Missing Xlib.h

Igor Trevisan igt1972 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 7 15:59:57 UTC 2006

Hi all,

I installed Ubuntu 6.06 in a VMware Virtual Machine on my PC.
In this installation I'm trying to install from sources "Qt" to learn to
develop application with those graphic libraries.
The build process of the Qt sources stopped after some time
due to the lack of Xlib.h (and after that other header files...) in my
Effectively I noted that /usr/include/X11 doesn't contain too much...
(it's almost empty).
How can I add the missing X11 header files?
I don't have an internet connection at home at the moment so I can only look
for the missing packets and sources when I can connect to the web
somewhere and then try to install them "offline".
So my final question is: what do I have to look for to install
the header I need to complete the "Qt" installation?
Thanks in advance and, please, forgive me if I was unclear
(also due to my english!).


"Much less doesn't mean zero"
-- E.Benetti --
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