Edgy on Dell Latitude D620

Duncan Lithgow duncan at lithgow-schmidt.dk
Sun Nov 5 15:00:23 UTC 2006

On Wed, 2006-11-01 at 22:12 +0100, Guill. Moreno-Socias wrote:
>         At the grub prompt, add acpi=no to the list of boot options.
1. press something so that grub doesn't just start. You'll instead get a
menu with probably two options on. Ubuntu and 'Ubuntu safe' or whatever
it's called.
2. Choose the ubuntu option, and read the instructions at the bottom of
the page 'press e to edit'. So press e.
3. You'll see a few lines of options. Highlight the one with the word
kernel in and press edit again. Now you can edit that line.
4. At the end of the line (after a single space) add the text acpi=no

Remember that's only there this time and will not be saved anywhere - so
if it is needed you'll have to manually edit the appropriate file (as
root). I think the file is /boot/grub/menu.lst - but be careful editing
this as it can make your life difficult if you get something wrong.

Linux user: 372812 | GPG key ID: 21A8C63A | http://lithgow-schmidt.dk
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