ubuntu and internet browsing

Clive Menzies clive at clivemenzies.co.uk
Thu Nov 2 18:05:50 UTC 2006

On (02/11/06 17:32), MICHAEL WEAVER wrote:
> I am hoping eventually to have a Linux only desktop like with my laptop.
> However I have read that Orca doesn't work well with Firefox 2 and that 
> it will only get better when Firefox 3 comes out.
> What browsers could I use in Ubuntu if I were to go to a Linux only 
> system as I use speech?
> Would I be able to use something like Links using the Orca Screenreader 
> or would I have to use w3m in Emacs with Emacspeak?

Have you checked out gnopernicus?

Description: Screen reader for GNOME 2
 Gnopernicus is designed to allow users with limited or no vision to
 access GNOME applications.  It provides a number of features, including
 magnification, focus tracking, braille output, and more.
 To enable the magnification feature you must also install the optional
 component gnome-mag.



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