maildirs, dovecot, mail client help

Derek Broughton news at
Thu Nov 2 15:16:45 UTC 2006

Todd Slater wrote:

> On 11/2/06, wade at <wade at> wrote:
> You're using Dovecot because you want to access your mail from other
> machines?
> First thing I'd worry about is getting Evolution to see the converted
> mails. You added a new account, chose local maildirs as the type, and
> pointed it to the top level of your maildirs? On my system I used
> /home/todd/Mail, on others I've use /home/me/Maildir, you can use
> whatever you want, but you need to point Evolution to that top-level
> directory.

No you don't.  You want evolution pointing to the IMAP server.  Once you put
the mails into IMAP, you really shouldn't be trying to access them except
_through_ IMAP.

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