Administration screens gone..

Matthew Kuiken matt.kuiken at
Wed May 31 04:40:59 UTC 2006

Chanchao wrote:
> I don't know how I managed this but all my administration screens are
> gone, save for a few non-admin-rights ones.
> There's two possible ways this may have come about:
> Installing Xubuntu-desktop, and xubunty-system-tools, then uninstalling
> xubuntu-system-tools again as they mostly match the Ubuntu ones.  After
> that all my admin screens were gone. 
> Secondly, it may have happened while adding another user with admin
> rights.. and ended up with nobody with sudo/admin rights!  I managed to
> correct this by going into recovery mode and so a 'visudo' to update the
> sudoers file and adding my username as (ALL) ALL (same as root).  
> So after that I can sudo again, but my admin screens are still gone.
> What can be my next step to fix this?
Is your user still a member of group admin?


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