VNC to other desktops

Eric Hanchrow offby1 at
Tue May 30 21:43:22 UTC 2006

>>>>> "Gallagher," == Gallagher, Tim \(NE\) <Tim.Gallagher at> writes:

    I want to be able to vnc into other X systems (desktops) but the
    default is Gnome.  Is there a way to do this?

Sort of.  If you want to connect your VNC client to a desktop that's
already running, and displaying on the remote machine's monitor, then
of course you're stuck with whatever desktop happens to be already
running.  But if you don't mind connecting your VNC client to a
"virtual" desktop -- one that's _only_ visible through a VNC client --
then you can have any desktop you want. 

You start that desktop by running "vncserver".  It reads the same init
files that a regular X server reads -- in fact, vncserver _is_ a
regular X server, except that it "draws" on the network adapter
instead of the monitor.  If the init file that it reads happens to
specify Gnome, and you wanted KDE, then you can either edit the init
file, or (more likely) pass vncserver an option that says "don't read
that init file; read this one instead", and then name an init file
that does what you want.

Documentation exists, but never seems to be complete.
        -- Dennis Ritchie, 1972

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