ATI Radeon support

maxim wexler blissfix at
Tue May 30 19:15:43 UTC 2006

my experience: I have a radeon 9250 card. I ran
xorgconfig and picked "ATI generic" as my vid card
identifier. When I run startx the console prints the

(WW)Radeon: no matching
device.../usr/lib/modules/drivers/radeon_drv.o is

So, I haven't even compiled the module for it. But X
opens without a problem, fonts are crisp and clear.

Go figure;)


--- Colin Brace <cb at> wrote:

> Hi all,
> How is the ATI Radeon video chipset support these
> days? I am looking
> to buy a laptop to run Ubuntu, and many of the ones
> in my price range
> are based on ATI Radeon Xpress 200M chipset. I've
> read in the past
> that ATI support under Linux is iffy. Has this
> changed at all?
> I'd prefer a laptop with an nVidia chipset, but
> these tend to be on
> the expensive side. Any ideas/suggestions most
> welcome. Thanks.
> -- 
>   Colin Brace
>   Amsterdam
> -- 
> ubuntu-users mailing list
> ubuntu-users at

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