Install freezes during disk partitioning

Loïc Martin lomartin3 at
Tue May 30 19:05:13 UTC 2006

Samir Patel a écrit :
> Hi all,
> I tried installing Breezy Badger over the weekend on an old 800MHz P3 
> machine, with 64MB RAM and a 10GB hard drive. I was using the install 
> CD (not the LiveCD).
> Unfortunately it keeps hanging when it reaches 52% completion on the 
> disk partitioning step. I tried it several times, and even tried 
> letting it go for a few hours, but it never got past that step.
> I’ve tried googling around a little bit, but haven’t been able to find 
> anything solid. Any suggestions?
> Thanks!!
> Samir
Not sure about that, but it was almost impossible to install Ubuntu with 
just 64M (I know it sounds crazy, but I had a very low rate of success 
with 64M machines). You could try to partition the machine with another 
CD (like gparted live cd, or better, using a text tool - I think gparted 
is just a front end to parted), then you wouldn't have to use Ubuntu 
partitioner during the install (create the partitions and format them 

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