Online diary/Journal program(OT)

glinsvad ulist at
Tue May 30 15:43:09 UTC 2006

> minimal exp in programming

Well, I guess Python would be the obvious choice then. It is way
simpler than building everything in C, although not as educational if
you plan on returning to C/C++ later on. Also I've found that Dive Into
Python requires a bit of basic C/C++ knowledge to start out with. As far
as I remember classes aren't really explained anywhere in the ~15
chapters, which means you'll have to read about it somewhere else.
Anyway, Python has built in support for databases with MySQL -
especially check out the SQLite feature.

> Basically would like to start small
Do a simple program in C that saves diary entries in seperate textfiles
e.g one file for each date. Then a directory holding files like
journal_060529.txt, journal_060530.txt would hold yesterdays and todays
entries in your journal. 

Here, the easiest route alternates from the truly educational.

EDIT: Bash-scripting would actually suffice for this


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