3gp files, mplayer, and ffmpeg

Ziyad A. M. alBatly zamb at saudi.net.sa
Tue May 30 07:40:46 UTC 2006

On Mon, 2006-05-29 at 21:01 -0400, Jaime Davila wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm trying to set up mplayer under breezy so I can open 3gp files 
> created with the digital camera of a cell phone. I did some searching 
> and found this page: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=178455
> but I'm having trouble using cvs to check out the ffmpeg source. The 
> command:
> cvs -z9 -d:pserver:anonymous at mplayerhq.hu:/cvsroot/ffmpeg co ffmpeg
> returns:
> cvs [checkout aborted]: connect to mplayerhq.hu( 
> failed: Connection refused
> every time I've tried it.
The CVS host of MPlayer and FFmpeg is down now.  Read the home page of
MPlayer for more information.  Just wait a few days and try with SVN
(you should find the instructions on MPlayer's home page later).

> Any ideas on how I check out ffmpeg? Is it just that the mpayerhq cvs 
> server is down?
> Even better, anyone knows any other way to get mplayer to play 3gp files 
> with sound under ubuntu? I _do_ get the video part OK.
> BTW, I've already tried realplayer, which is supposed to do the trick, 
> but it doesn't. I get error:
> Invalid parameter. Unable to process request.
> if I try to open a 3gp file with realplay, even though it works for 
> other files.
> Also, xine has the same issue as mplayer: video OK, no sound.
> TIA,
> Jaime
> -- 
> ******************************************************
> Jaime J. Davila
> Assistant Professor of Computer Science
> Hampshire College
> School of Cognitive Science
> jdavila at hampshire dot edu
> http://helios.hampshire.edu/jdavila
> *******************************************************

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