Ubuntu5.10 VS tomcat connector

Somogyi Tamás somogyit at nda.hu
Tue May 30 07:21:34 UTC 2006


Could anybody help me configuring a tomcat connector on Ubuntu 5.1 server?

Apache2 and Tomcat is working properly.
Now I need to have a tomcat connector, because I have to remove the port 
number from the URLs.
So, I tried the following.

sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-jk2 --> OK
have the etc/apache2/workers2.properties file with my own config --> OK
uncomment line in /etc/apache2/mods-available/jk2.conf --> OK
(in jk2.conf I have the correct path & file name...)
restart everything --> OK

Apache2 and Tomcat is still working properly, but the port number is 
still in the URL.
The workers2.properties should be working, it works on another server.

Did I make a mistake somewhere? Do I need to modify some other file 
(apache conf, or tomcat conf)?

Thanks for your help,


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