sources.list fallback not working

Lex Hider lexhider at
Tue May 30 02:49:19 UTC 2006


It looks like fallback isn't working in sources.list
What I mean by this is that if a file fails to download from an entry in
sources.list, it will attempt to fetch the deb from the next entry.

deb http://some.archive.1 dapper main
deb http://some.archive.2 dapper main
#end sources.list

If I try to upgrade and the file isn't in the 1st archive for some
reason, it isn't getting fetched from the 2nd.
However, if I comment out the 1st entry, the file gets fetched from the
2nd archive.

Is this a bug or an issue with my system?

This has worked in previous versions of ubuntu and debian.

I'm running the latest dapper on amd64.


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