Bugs in Dapper, should stick with Breezy ?

Thiers Botelho thiersb at gmail.com
Mon May 29 16:05:50 UTC 2006

On 5/29/06, Bas van Gils <basvg at cs.ru.nl> wrote:
> On Mon, May 29, 2006 at 12:20:46PM -0300, Thiers Botelho wrote:
> [ ... ]
> > Is my reasoning reasonable ? I'd appreciate any comments on my plans,
> > thnx everybody.
> Well.... Perhaps partially. Of course we're not sure on your plans but I'll
> give you my thoughs on bugs / upgrades etc.
> Before I started using Ubuntu I used a smaller Linux distro (Sourcemage) which
> had a compile-everything-yourself philosophy. Pretty nice distro. At a certain
> point of time one of the project leaders set out a roadmap for a 1.0 release.
> Work commenced and when the deadline got close ppl started to complain about
> too many open bugs. So the deadline got adjusted. And again. And again.
> The thing is, the distro was pretty usable all the time. The amount of open
> bugs is, in my opinion, not so much an indication of how good a certain
> distribution is. Rather it is an indicator of how actively people are
> searching / have been searching for bugs. If you look hard enough I'm sure you
> can find flaws in Breezy... perhaps also in Dapper but hey, many eyeballs make
> all bugs shallow. The more people use Dapper, the sooner bugs will vanish.
> As for deciding on Dapper versus Breezy.. I've been using ubuntu for a while
> now. I've switched the day a new release was made. The *upgrade* to breezy
> didnt' go to smooth for me so I had to do reinstalls and never had big
> problems ever since. Just go with the flow and install updates as they come
> along. It's been smooth sailing for me ever since!
> Perhaps this 'll help you in making an informed decision for your specific
> situation. G'luck and enjoy Ubuntu!
>  Bas

Many thanks. Of course no distro won't be "perfect" at any given
moment . . . new bugs come and go together with new apps and new
functionalities .

I'll revisit the bug queue after Dapper becomes final and then decide
what to do. I understand your point, but I have a feeling that any
distro's bug curve tends to peak soon after each new release and to
re-stabilize again soon after.

It will always be a pleasure to help squashing bugs on a new release,
I just wanted to avoid getting caught in the _eventual_ initial



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