gParted failure

Henk Koster H.A.J.Koster at
Sun May 28 12:53:20 UTC 2006

On Sat, 27 May 2006 06:47:57 +0000, K7AAY john at wrote:

> gParted 0.1
> 190 GB HD with 125GB of content
> NTFS from XP
> dismount the partition
> launch gParted
> Tell it to resize, just the one operation
> Tell it to proceed; it looks as if it will
> and then the screen blinks and I'm right bak where I was.
> Your kind advicse would be appreciated.

Brevity is a virtue, but now you're giving too little info to be of
much use. How are you running GParted, from the liveCD installer,
perhaps? What does your partition table look like before starting GParted?
And, in words, what is it that you try to accomplish? 

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