Kmail not importing gpg signatures correctly

James Gray james at
Sun May 28 03:33:44 UTC 2006

On Sat, 27 May 2006 13:51, Brian McKee wrote:

> 	I'm using an up to date version of Dapper-Kubuntu and Kmail.
> If I manually import a gpg key (via seahorse or cmdline) then Kmail
> handles gpg signatures fine.  But if I look at an email that I don't have
> the public key imported for, I just get
> > Message was signed on blah blah with unknown key blah blah.
> > The validity of the signature cannot be verified.
> > Status: No public key to verify the signature

Try running "kgpg" - AFAIK it's the glue that sticks all this GPG stuff 
together within the KDE suite.


Jim, this is Janelle.  I'm flying tonight, so I can't make our date, and
I gotta find a safe place for Daffy.  He loves you, Jim!  It's only two
days, and you'll see.  Great Danes are no problem!
		-- "The Rockford Files"
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