YA SSH newbie

Vram lamsokvr at xprt.net
Thu May 25 17:36:51 UTC 2006

On Thu, 2006-05-25 at 18:13 +0100, GrepZen wrote:
> 1) I couldn't find out how to disable ssh
> 2) ubuntu is VERY easy to install -- so I started over from scratch but
> more careful.
> 3) while ubuntu is reinstalling on einstein, I'm going back over the
> putty client on the WinXP box.. and... and --wait for it.....   VMWARE
> has a virtual nic at  --- yeah that should be familiar.. it
> was the IP that I had assigned to the old install of ubuntu.   please
> send your flame mail directly to me.
> einstein is now at .11 and running ok.  nmap shows no open ports but
> ssh-agent IS running (I don't get how that can be. --but let's
> continue)
> the entire reason I was trying to get SSH/SSHD to run was so that I
> could get some form of remote desktop functioning. (einstein will
> eventualy be a headless backup server)   So I tinkered about with the
> VNCservices that come with ubuntu --that I couldn't get working last
> install, and they started working.
> I'm still interested in getting some form of SSH/SSHD working but it's
> less critical now.  I want both GUI and TERMINAL access to einstein so
> will persue this. 
> Mike, Troy, Imagine, et al  -- Thank you very much for your time w/ me
> and this issue.  If it's not obvious.. you were all helpful.  --thanks
> guys!
> -- 
> GrepZen

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