YA SSH newbie

Troy Piggins troy at piggo.com
Thu May 25 07:09:38 UTC 2006

* GrepZen <ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org> :
> I've been searching and reading through lots of helpful threads on how
> to get SSHd running on my ubuntu 5.10 desktop.
> i've installed open-ssh and the port is open according to nmap:
> Code:
> --------------------
>   22/tcp    open  ssh
> Further, i've established that SSHd is running according to ps -e|grep
> ssh
> Code:
> --------------------
>     micke at ubuntu:/$ ps -e|grep ssh
>   25062 ?        00:00:00 sshd
>   25851 ?        00:00:00 ssh-agent
> --------------------
> yet... each attempt to connect with plink or putty from a winxp box on
> the local network yields "connection refused"

What settings are in your sshd config file?  Look at /etc/ssh/sshd_config.
Note the "d" in the filename.

Particularly PasswordAuthentication - if it's set to "no" and you aren't using
key authentication you could get that error message.

Also check AllowUsers settings.

And your /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny settings.

> ubuntu is on a local along with the winxp box.
> i can ping from the winxp to ubunto.. and back.. tracerouts re-affirm
> that i'm not taking odd routes through my gateway.
> if i open a terminal window in ubunto and ssh to 'ubunto' the
> connection works as planned.. but that's just a window SSHing into its
> self.. not all that useful.
> any thoughts or guides you could point me to would be great.
> i've looked: at the wiki.. and several posts here but the answer is
> still eluding me.
> && BTW: the ultimate goal is to get some kind of remote access to
> ubuntu --preferably something like vnc..    --you can see a few failed
> vnc attempts in the nmap but i can't clear them.

Let us know how you go.

Troy Piggins
  ,-o    Ubuntu v5.10 (Breezy Badger): kernel 2.6.12-10-k7,
 o   )   postfix 2.2.4, procmail 3.22, mutt 1.5.11i,
  `-o    slrn (score_color patch), vim 7.0

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