Few things about Dapper

Alan McKinnon alan at linuxholdings.co.za
Wed May 24 20:17:15 UTC 2006

On Wednesday 24 May 2006 15:22, Duncan Lithgow wrote:
> On Wed, 2006-05-24 at 14:00 +0200, Vincent Trouilliez wrote:
> > On Wed, 2006-05-24 at 16:45 +0530, Santanu Chatterjee wrote:
> > > But the second problem above is really annoying me.
> > > Could you please confirm if you see the same behaviour
> > > in your system as well.
> >
> > I can confirm problem #2 on current Dapper, definitely qualifies
> > as a bug.
> So can I, please file a bug report and well confirm it there.
> So, the bug is that when returning to one tab (no tab graphics) the
> window does not return to it's previous size. Hence always growing.

My Breezy shows the same behaviour, but the window doesn't keep 
growing - it just changes size by the size of the tab bar.

What's happening is that instead of respecting the window size, the 
app is maintaining the same size of client area. This makes sense for 
a terminal, if it started out as 80x24 chars, then it should stay 
that way. But it does violate window size guidelines. Tabbed browsers 
have exactly the same issues, but a browser can resize the client 
area and get away with it.

The problem is with the tab bar. It's not present with only one tab. 
Open a second tab and the window size increases to accommodate the 
tab bar. There are only two fixes:

1. Tab bar is always present.
2. Do it Konsole style - tabs at the bottom where they replace the 
usual status bar and is thus always present.

If only me, you and dead people understand hex, 
how many people understand hex?

Alan McKinnon
alan at linuxholdings dot co dot za
+27 82, double three seven, one nine three five

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