UNSUBSCRIBE BENJAMIN SHER NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chris Neary hello at poetofcode.org
Wed May 24 18:53:50 UTC 2006

Dear Benjamin,

You have to understand that we cannot unsubscribe you. You have to confirm
it yourself.

As the list runs the Python mailing list system Mailman, you can view and
change your subscriptions here: http://lists.ubuntu.com

From there you can leave any and all lists on the Ubuntu servers to which
you may be subscribed.

You or someone else may also have another e-mail account registered with the
list(s) with an automatic forward set up.

Look at the To: header of the e-mails coming into you from the list and make
sure that's the e-mail address you're using to unsubscribe with.

All the best,

On 24/05/06, Wade Smart <wade at wadesmart.com> wrote:
> 05242006 1207 GMT-6
> I unsubscribed and it took effect right away. Like within hours.
> This guy must be the only one who cant unsubscribe.
> And he's rude.
> wade
> Benjamin Sher wrote:
> > Dear Ubuntu and Kubuntu:
> >
> > I have officially unsubscribed from the (K)Ubuntu mailing list a few
> > days ago. This was confirmed by your server. Yet, I keep getting mail
> > from you.
> >
> > KUBUNTU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> >
> > Benjamin Sher
> >
> --
> ubuntu-users mailing list
> ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-users
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