Alternative to LaTeX?

Bas van Gils basvg at
Wed May 24 18:53:56 UTC 2006

On Wed, May 24, 2006 at 11:40:18AM +0100, Sean Hammond wrote:
> I tried LyX again over the last couple of days and have changed my
> mind. 
[ ... ]

good to hear!

> It also hides having to call LaTeX and BibTeX multiple times.

Ah yes, you wrote about that earlier. A while ago my problem was a bit more
complex. I also wanted to include subversion version numers in my document,
make an author index, generate an retular index and so on. I wrote a Makefile
(attached to this mail) to help me automate the job. Perhaps someone here will
find it useful.

[ ... ]
> My favourite thing so far has been the cross-referencing. LyX makes
> placing cross-references much easier than plain LaTeX, and then LaTeX
> will write 'section x.x on page x' in place of a cross-reference, but
> if the thing you're referencing happens to be on the next page it will
> write 'section x.x on the next page', and if you happen to
> cross-reference to the next page twice on the same page then instead
> of repeating the phrase 'on the next page' twice it will use 'on the
> following page.'

Neat trick. Wouldn't know how to do that in plain LaTeX. Well, happy hacking!



<Bas.vanGils at> - GPG Key ID: 2768A493  -
Radboud University Nijmegen Institute for Computing and Information Sciences

-------------- next part --------------
BASENAME = dissertation


# default operation: LaTeX
# action: run through LaTeX once, then check for BiBTeX and rerun LaTeX as
#         many times as necessary to get all references right.
${BASENAME}.dvi: *.tex *.sty *.bib
	svnversion -n . | sed -e s/M//g > version.tex

	latex ${BASENAME}.tex;
	if grep "LaTeX Warning: Citation" < ${BASENAME}.log;  then \
		bibtex ${BASENAME}; \
		latex ${BASENAME}.tex;\
	authorindex ${BASENAME}.aux
	makeindex -s ${BASENAME}.ist ${BASENAME}
	while grep "Rerun to get cross-references right." < ${BASENAME}.log; do \
		latex ${BASENAME}.tex;\
	latex ${BASENAME}.tex;\


# operation: clean
# action   : get rid of 'old' stuff
	rm -f \
		${BASENAME}.aux \
		${BASENAME}.cb  \
		${BASENAME}.bbl \
		${BASENAME}.blg \
		${BASENAME}.log \
		${BASENAME}.ps  \
		${BASENAME}.out \
		${BASENAME}.dvi \
		${BASENAME}.pdf \
		${BASENAME}.ilg \
		${BASENAME}.idx \

# operation : pdf
# depends on: the DVI-file
# action    : make a pdf-version of the LaTeX document
pdf: ${BASENAME}.dvi
	dvipdf ${BASENAME}.tex

-------------- next part --------------
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