Kubuntu Dapper

David M lists2006 at viewport.ukfsn.org
Tue May 23 14:23:39 UTC 2006

Chanchao wrote in gmane.linux.ubuntu.user 
 about: Re: Kubuntu Dapper 

> On Tue, 2006-05-23 at 16:58 +0700, Chanchao wrote:
>> Come to think of it, if you could eat Ubuntu, what would it taste like?
>> Has got to be chocolate, for sure.


Standard Toblerone for Ubuntu, 
Dark Toblerone (mmm, my favourite!) for Kubuntu,
White Toblerone for Xubuntu,
Mini funsize Toblerones for Edubuntu,
Mouldy green past 'best-before date' Toblerone for Ebuntu [1] ;-)
Vacuum-packed Toblerone with no easy-open strip for nUbuntu

> Woops, sorry, forgot we are talking about Kubuntu.  Kubuntu of course
> would taste like blue Listerine, or Windex, or whatever that stuff is
> they spray all over hospitals.

Nah, it would have to be a blue-raspberry flavoured Mr Freeze.. [2] ;-)

[1] Sorry, I've just always found Enlightenment to be very user-unfriendly 
and its haxx0r green metal obsession to be 2 l33t 4 me (as well as looking 
a bit dated now)

[2] Mr Freeze = an ice pole (ice lolly) popular in the UK

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