Incoherences between /etc/fstab and disks-admin in Dapper

Loïc Martin lomartin3 at
Tue May 23 14:16:09 UTC 2006

I'd like to know if I'm the only one seeing incoherences between what my 
partition table is and what disks-admin tells me.

I've got quite a few partitions set up, so if you just have 2 or 3 
partitions that question isn't really for you ;)
like 5 ext3, 3 fat32 and 1 swap.

However disks-admin only see 3 of the ext3 partitions (even though the 2 
others are already mounted) and gives them different devices than in my 
/etc/fstab (like /dev/hda13 instead of /dev/hda9). It also show a 
certain amount of unused free space on the disk (one is about the size 
of my swap partition, the other is unrelated to anything)

Since the same problem arise in the Live cd installer (ubiquity) and 
since the Live cd is now the official method, that's become a concern 
for me.

Anybody sees the same pb in Dapper (disks-admin is accessible under 
/System/Administration/Disks) ?

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