ubuntu-users Digest, Vol 21, Issue 247

Alan McKinnon alan at linuxholdings.co.za
Tue May 23 08:13:25 UTC 2006

On Monday 22 May 2006 15:35, Shawn Brockmeier wrote:
> I can hear the Ubuntu start-up chime and watch Flash videos with
> sound, but if I download an mpeg file and try to watch it in
> Kaffeine, I just get video and no audio. I've confirmed that mute
> is turned off in Kaffeine. I've tried watching mpeg files in Totem
> Movie Player, but it can't play mpeg files. This is the same in
> both Gnome and KDE.

In Settings -> xine Engine Parameters, which sound daemon is kaffeine 
expecting to use? If you started KDE, it's a good bet that arts is 
running, this will do a marvelous job of blocking apps that want to 
use esd for instance. Try setting it to 'auto' or try each in turn 
till you find one that works.

If only me, you and dead people understand hex, 
how many people understand hex?

Alan McKinnon
alan at linuxholdings dot co dot za
+27 82, double three seven, one nine three five

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