New Hard Drive installed

Matthew Kuiken matt.kuiken at
Mon May 22 04:12:25 UTC 2006

Richard wrote:
>> On 5/21/06, Richard <cms01 at> wrote:
>>> Have a second hard drive hdb (slave)
>>> however, can't see the listing in/dev?
>> How do you know that this drive is hdb if you dont see a listing 
>> under /dev?
>> Try: ls /dev/hd* to see what's listed there. Or if it';s recognized as
>> SCSI look under /dev/sd*
>>> can't find it, however its there and running
>>> so, how does one mount and format the new second drive,
>>> that will be used for backups, and storage.
>> Try 'sudo fdisk /dev/hdb' or use gparted or qtparted to write a
>> partition table to that drive, divide it up, then get it formatted.
>> Seth
> Seth,
> This is what I got
> ls /dev/hd*
> /dev/hda  /dev/hda1  /dev/hda2  /dev/hda5  /dev/hdc
> The second drive is a slave drive it should be hdb, but I don't see?
> very odd.
I notice that you have a /dev/hdc.  Do you have a CD or DVD drive on the 
secondary controller?  Is your new hard drive on the same cable as the 
old one, or a separate cable?  Final question, if they are on the same 
cable, are you certain that the new and old drives are set up correctly?

To put some more information with that last question, IDE hard drives 
usually have jumpers which determine whether they should be a master, 
slave, or cable select.  If these jumpers are set incorrectly, the drive 
will not be recognized.

One last thing that I just remembered.  I just put a large drive in an 
old computer recently.  I needed to set a jumper which caused the drive 
to tell the BIOS that it was only a 32GB drive.  Otherwise the BIOS 
would not recognize the drive, and thus I couldn't access it.  To ensure 
that your BIOS can see the drive, watch the bios boot up sequence.  At 
some point it will list the devices on the IDE bus.  If the new drive 
isn't there, you won't be able to see it with any operating system, even 
though it has power, and is spinning.


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