DivX-Film (.avi) in format 852x480 pixels

Florian Diesch diesch at spamfence.net
Fri May 19 22:54:18 UTC 2006

René <list.account at gmx.net> wrote:

> i have a few films which do not get played properly (ISO MPEG4 -
> 852x480 -  
> 25 frames per second)
> neither with VLC nor with XINE (Totem fails horribly) i get a proper
> result. the film gets played, but a the right side there is a 'second
> screenplay' (a border of approx. 1/10 of the screen) - and i am not
> drunken!
> these films i can play on a Windows system very well. no problem of
> that  sort (VLC on Windows plays them all well).
> does anyone have an idea what to ajust here?!
> thank you for help,

I'd try mplayer as it's doing a really good job playing videos other
players have problems with.

Maybe using another output module with vlc helps.

To fix the "i am not drunken" part get yourself a few beers or
something like that. ;-)


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