386 vs 686 kernel? And uninstall linux-image-2.6.15-21-386removes Linux-386?
ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Fri May 19 06:42:25 UTC 2006
Chanchao Wrote:
> Hi,
> Did another dapper dist-upgrade... Didn't go so well, lost the option
> to boot Windows XP... :( Managed to get it back by manually editing
> boot menu files, fortunately there was a backup.
> Anyway, it also replaced the kernel image with a new version. Two
> questions:
> 1. If I mark the old one, linux-image-2.6.15-21-386, for removal, then
> it also wants to remove Linux-386... Would that be bad? I thought
> Linux-386 would just point to the current version, which is
> linux-image-2.6.15-23-386 ?
> 2. Should I be using *386 at all? My computer is a Pentium 3, so would
> *686 be better?
1.That is definetly weird. But since LINUX-386 is only a dummy package
no harm *should* be done. I would try removing it and then after reboot
selecting LINUX-386 again just to see which kernel it will offer U to
2. Nowadays HDD is the bottleneck. But U should get a small increase in
performance!!! Personally I've never found any difference when running
kernel *386(*486 in reality) or *K7. I only noticed performance
increase after I compiled the kernel and removed all what I dont need
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