Converting wide characters to their nearest ASCII equivalents

Stephen R Laniel steve at
Thu May 18 13:33:44 UTC 2006

On Thu, May 18, 2006 at 04:16:30PM +0300, Avraham Hanadari wrote:
> The convention in German is simply to add an e after the umlauted 
> letter. In fact, the umlaut symbol is a little old-style e written over 
> the letter. Compare Göthe to Goethe.

Sure. I'm looking for something more general, though. E.g.,
I want it to convert 'e with an accent grave' to an 'e', 'a
with an umlaut' to 'a', etc. When I get, say, Chinese 
characters, the script should fail, or maybe it should do
something clever and convert to Pinyin.

This is either highly nontrivial, or it uses standard parts
of Unicode that should be available in any Unicode library.

Stephen R. Laniel
steve at
Cell: +(617) 308-5571
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