playing this radio stream...//gstreamer 0.10

Matt Price matt.price at
Wed May 17 15:24:45 UTC 2006

Hi folks,

I am trying to figure out what's wrong with a radio stream I want to play:

I've just bought a new computer and installed dapper-amd64 (I used to run
breezy-i386).  For some reason this stream never used to work right in
rhythmbox, so I used amarok (which is vastly superior anyway).  Anyway, now
it doesn't seem to work in any of the players, and I'm wondering whether the
stream is down, or something's wrong with amarok (it seemed buggy at first
though now it seems to be working ok).

On a related note, does anyone know what the sound daemon set up is like in
Dapper?  As far as I can tell esd is no longer running, but it's not as
though gstreamer0.10 is entirely set up either.  Nor is jackd, I guess.  Is
there a guide to understanding/customizing the dapper sound setup?  At some
point I'd like to be able to run ardour, audacity, and amarok without too
much hassle.  



Matt Price	    matt.price at
History Department, University of Toronto
(416) 978-2094

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