wireless networking (broadcom 4318)

Orth "Jack" Chilling orthchilling at gmail.com
Wed May 17 02:20:52 UTC 2006

yes, there must be tons of threads about this card in question...
go to this forum for my starting posts so i dont have to repost some things.


just look for posts by navtiidia

anyway... what i will post back on here is

im posting from my desktop (winxp pro) computer right now. the computer in
question is a v2630us from compaq... im using dapper.
im not new to linux, ive dabbed in it every once in a while. but after
noticing how good my battery life was with linux,i'm going to keep this
distro on my HD.

here is as far as i got so far...

"ok if you havent noticed... i cannot use my wireless yet. it can be set as
an active networking device. but it has no range... nor does it see wireless

so anyone have some ideas? i would love this to work. everything else works
perfect, even the ati.

yes i know this was formatted for phpbb.. i was going to post... but for
somereason i cant get in.
check out my site - http://612wharfave.myvnc.com:52039
fold for team hackaday - http://teamhackaday.com
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