Azureus not working but standard bittorrent is OK

Craig Hagerman craighagerman at
Mon May 15 22:38:44 UTC 2006

On 5/16/06, Ben Edwards (lists) <lists at> wrote:
> I have set up Azureus on Ubuntu Dapper.  The nat is OK (everything is
> green) and I can add torrents. It seems to find peres etc. but does not
> start downloading.  Downloading the same .torrent files with the default
> client works fine ;-(
> Any Ideas,
> Ben
> PS I am using the latest version of Azureus, I downloaded today.

Which Java are you using? I found a problem similar to this using java
from an apt-get source. Instead I removed that, downloaded and
installed the JRE directly from Sun and everything worked just fine. I
think there was a problem with the JRE in my stock Ubuntu system and
that might be the case for you as well.


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