Alternative to LaTeX?

Michael V. De Palatis mdepalatis at
Fri May 12 14:56:25 UTC 2006

On Fri, May 12, 2006 at 04:22:46PM +0200, Bas van Gils wrote:
> On Fri, May 12, 2006 at 01:25:28PM +0100, Sean Hammond wrote:
> > Yes I am familiar with both KILE and LyX. I've never really liked
> > them, I prefer to keep it simple and edit my source files in a text
> > editor (with syntax highlighting) and run LaTeX or markdown from the
> > command line. However, maybe I'll look at them again.
> Same here. I've experimented a little with Kile and Lyx but it wasn't my
> thing. I've fiddled with a bunch of editors (including gedit) but keep
> switchimg back to vim...

I was always a vim guy... Then I decided to mess around with emacs
just so that I could make fun of my friends who used it. However, I
ended up liking it, especially after discovering AuCTeX (which was
already mentioned by someone else). I never liked vim's LaTeX support,
even with the latex-suite package (which didn't seem incredibly
intuitive to me).

Because I didn't like vim's handling of LaTeX, I used kile for a
while, but got annoyed by having to use the arrow keys too much. So
the point is, I eventually switched to using emacs just for auctex,
and it's incredibly nice.


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