Dapper as production server

Darryl Clarke smartssa at gmail.com
Fri May 12 14:36:05 UTC 2006

On 5/12/06, Jeremiah Foster <jeremiah.foster at theclickstore.se> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I think I am living on the edge a bit here. I plan on using an updated
> version of Dapper as a production server. I realize it is not quite
> fully supported as a server yet, but it will be soon from what I
> understand.
> Can someone advise me on the wisdom of this? In other words, how soon
> will Dapper be fully supported as a stand-alone server product?
> Does anybody see any issues with running Dapper as a production web
> server?

I see no issues, personally. Other people might think different. :)

I've been using dapper on my development server for the last 2 months
and it's been stable (I have no GUI/desktop stuff on it, which helps
in that respect)

If you are going to use it in the real world, just be aware of what is
getting updated on a daily basis and make sure you are able to handle
any package issues if they come up.  If you are not comfortable with
fixing a package conflict or broken dependancies via command line,
then I would wait until it's official release... which isn't that far
away now anyways.

~ Darryl  ~ smartssa at gmail.com
~ http://darrylclarke.com

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