Alternative to LaTeX?

Sean Hammond sean.hammond at
Fri May 12 14:18:06 UTC 2006

All I seem to be able to find about color in LaTeX is that the color
package will allow me to set the color of individual chunks of text by
placing color commands in my source. It seems more in-line with LaTeX
philosophy to somehow say, for example, 'chapter headings should be
color X', 'section headings color Y', etc., as if there would be
stylesheets I could download for various colour and other style

Now I know LaTeX supports style files and I think they can do this
sort of thing, but where to preview and download some styles?

Anyway, it's time I forgot about this and got on with work.

On 5/12/06, Christoph Bier <christoph.bier at> wrote:
> Sean Hammond schrieb am 12.05.2006 14:34:
> > On 5/12/06, Christoph Bier <christoph.bier at> wrote:
> >
> >>tex4ht
> >
> > Hmm... another one to check out.
> I forgot to mention that writer2latex is not only for converting OOo
> to LaTeX. It also provides conversion to xhtml:
> >>>Also I like a bit of colour. All the LaTeX classes I can find are
> >>>black and white. I hate that!
> >>
> >>That's not true. Have a look at the beamer class. And you can easily
> >>change all other classes using xcolor. Look at the document in my
> >>signature. It's produced with LaTeX (but it's in german).
> >
> > That is in fact a really nice looking document in your sig, and is
> > exactly what I'd want from a LaTeX class, just a little bit of colour
> > here and there really lightens things up.
> >
> > I thought beamer was for presentations?
> Your're right! But you said "All the LaTeX classes" ...
> > I guess there's nothing
> > stopping you from using it to create normal documents as well, and
> > benefiting from some of the colour if not the presentation-specific
> > commands?
> No, I only use it for presentations.
> > Did you create your example document with beamer or by
> > changing classes using xcolor?
> I used the color package (xcolor is an extension to color) and a
> KOMA-Script document class (scrartcl). KOMA-Script provides a nice,
>  easy and uniform user interface to many configurations and defaults
> to european typography. The memoir classes are similar flexible and
> also provide a uniform user interface (I don't know whether it's
> easy, too, because I never used them). You can also find the
> preamble of my signature's document on my homepage (but descriptions
> are in german, too):
> .tex-File:
> PDF:
> Best,
>   Christoph
> --
> +++ Typografie-Regeln: (1.4)
> --
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