
Keith Powell keith at
Thu May 11 12:55:55 UTC 2006


A little earlier today, I wrote:

>The Ubuntu forum is driving me crazy!

>I tried to log in, but it wouldn't accept my user name and/or
>password - although I have had no problems logging into the forum in 
>the past.

>So I asked for a password reminder. I was duly told:

>To reset your password, please visit the following page:
>(An http://ubuntuforums URL was given.) 

>This I did, but it won't accept my e-mail address to give me a new 
>password. Tried several times, without success. My e-mail address 
>hasn't changed for years!

>So, I tried registering again in case it had, for some reason, 
>unregistered me. No! My user name and e-mail address were already in 

Although my e-mail address has not been recognised in all the attempts 
to get a new password, I have just been sent one.

I'm not going to even try to understand the problem, just use the new 

Panic over!



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