GNOME Optimization

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at
Thu May 11 08:50:07 UTC 2006

Le jeudi 11 mai 2006 à 07:38 +0800, Joel Bryan T. Juliano a écrit :

> Gconf schemas are big, and most of them are greater than 1MB. 
> By optimizing the schemas, applications that loads them will be much
> faster. Same rules apply to web browsers, where optimized pages load
> much faster.


Could you stop posting on so many lists, there is no use for it. 

How are you trying how much your changes are optimizing? I'm curious
because .schemas are not used by applications on runtime, only when the
package is installed so they are not likely to make a difference on how
fast the applications start by example. You probably simply notice the
first startup being slower which is something normal...

Another effect of your script is that it changes files shipped by
different packages and those packages will be considered as corrupted by
the tools doing such verifications because the md5sum of the package
list will not match the one of the schemas you modified

We appreciate your work, but it might be better to discuss those
optimizations you work on by bug or on the devel list before trying to
push them to users directly


Sebastien Bacher

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