Gnome Theme > Controll doesnt have effect?

alvonsius albert alvonsius.albert at
Thu May 11 04:24:52 UTC 2006

Hi All,
I have a question about changing Gnome's themes. I want to change the control 
through the System > Preferences > Theme > Theme Detail but when I change the 
Controls they doesn't have any effect. What I mean here is that whenever I 
change the controls, the only thing that changes is the image on the button 
and the size of the button. No beautification, no button shape change, no 
color change nor anything else. Is this normal? Or there is any other 
packages that I should install?

Sorry for the question ... still noob on Gnome, just transfered from the KDE 
village :p

Oh yea, one more question ... is there anyway that I can use both Evolution 
and KMail on the same local mailbox directory? So whenever I use Kmail it 
doesn't re-download what I've downloaded before using Evolution and Kmail 
could read what Evolution has downloaded.

Thanks ...

Alvonsius Albert N
Programmer/Web Developer
PT Gamatechno Indonesia

"Do whatever you like, but remember to take care all the responsibilities" 

Currently Blog at

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