
Peter Garrett peter.garrett at optusnet.com.au
Wed May 10 11:21:20 UTC 2006

On Tue, 09 May 2006 16:35:01 +0300
Avraham Hanadari <rufus at hanadari.net> wrote:

> So, come on. There must be someone out there who turns his eyes away 
> from the screen from time to time, and who therefore needs an audio 
> signal. What are you using.

Not an Evolution solution, but I use the Mail check function in the
GKrellM monitoring app ( gkrellm is the package name - I think it's in

In the mail configuration accessed by right clicking the monitor, I enter

Notify (sound) program: aplay /usr/share/sounds/gaim/receive.wav
Mail fetch/check program:  fetchmail -c

Not sure if aplay is installed by default, but it could just as well be
used with an .ogg file and ogg123 or with an mp3 using mpg321...

You can set gkrellm to check for mail at intervals ( for instance 5

GKrellm is rather ugly in its default skin, but there are many skins
available for it at http://muhri.net/gkrellm/ (in fact probably too
many :)) I can send you a few if you wish...

The only downside of using this approach is that you need to have gkrellm
running, of course. It's a useful app though, that tells you quite a bit
about your system's general health and functioning.



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