Hard Drives mounting icon and formating

Alan McKinnon alan at linuxholdings.co.za
Wed May 10 00:55:50 UTC 2006

On Tuesday 09 May 2006 23:07, Richard wrote:
> Coming from a Mac desktop, I'm use in having  the hard drives,
> mounted (shown) on the desktop
> then I would access the hard drive for files..etc.
> Now is there a way to put a icon on the desktop of each hard drive,
> and be able to double click, and view All Files. ( at root level)
> man level.


This is not advisable, it's not how Unix file systems work. Each drive 
and partition on the drive mounts somewhere into a large directory 
tree that starts at the root directory "/"

Each drive/partition mounts into this tree at a specified directory so 
you end up with a nice coherent filesystem where everything has a 
place. You want to use one of those for mp3's, so the time-honoured 
way to do that is to mount it at the directory /media/mp3/ (it 
doesn;t have to be called mp3 - the name is up to you).

I don't know how your system is set up, use Nautilus and navigate 
to /media - it might already be mounted there (it might also be 
at /mnt/ but that's not likely). There will be lots more info on this 
on the Ubuntu wiki - search for "fstab" (this is the name of the file 
that configures these mount points)

As to format - do you mean filesystem type? By sharing, do you mean 
more than one person will use the machine, or there is another OS on 
themachine as well? If you share with Windows, you pretty much have 
to use vfat. Sharing with OSX - dunno :-) Otherwise, stick with ext3 
(the Ubuntu default filesystem type).

Hope this helps

If only me, you and dead people understand hex, 
how many people understand hex?

Alan McKinnon
alan at linuxholdings dot co dot za
+27 82, double three seven, one nine three five

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