
Toby Kelsey toby_kelsey at
Tue May 9 17:01:13 UTC 2006

David Hart wrote:

 > What's broken about it?  It's designed to work that way with a minimum
> time granularity of one day.  Times will only drift if you shut your box
> off for more than about a day.

Ah, I thought it was looking at the time of day, not just the date, and so would
slowly drift.  It is broken in the sense that it is advertised as a replacement
for cron but doesn't actually stick to a given time of day or day of month,
which to me violates expected behavour.  I'm just used to cron semantics.

> david at dev:~$ apt-cache search cron
> [snip]
> fcron - cron-like scheduler with extended capabilities
> [snip]

Thanks, that looks useful.


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