Has Ubuntu Replaced Windows on Your Box?

Daniel Carrera daniel.carrera at zmsl.com
Mon May 8 14:48:41 UTC 2006

crmccreary wrote:
> The funny thing is that the girls (ages 12 to 18) are ADDICTED
> to supertux. My oldest is heading off to college this fall and
> has specifically requested a Ubuntu loaded laptop.

That's awesome.

My brothers liked Linux while they were little because it had a bunch of 
games that Windows didn't. But now they're back on Windows because of 
MSN and P2P music. Yes, there are Linux alternatives, but they really 
prefer the Windows ones.

> I've become the pied-piper of Ubuntu around this area. People complain
> that they need to get their windows pc repaired because of all the
> viruses. I just meet them at their house after work with my Breezy
> Badger cds and do a clean install, set up their email and gaim. Nobody
> has looked back.

You rock man.

> One friend has a daughter working in Washington DC for a captive
> Microsoft lobbying firm. The last time we talked, she accused me of
> being a dangerous open-source zealot.

Really? Did she really say that? I don't understand why people would get 
so emotional about someone promotting their favourite OS.

> Imagine her surprise when she
> came home over Easter to discover her family is now all Ubuntu!

What did she say?

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