[OOZY] Renaming more than 200 pics

Dave Carrigan dave at rudedog.org
Mon May 8 13:48:24 UTC 2006

On Sunday 07 May 2006 11:58, OOzy Pal wrote:

> Thank you; it worked. Now the names also contains "(" and ")"  for
> example, a name of file is like:
>  20051030-Layan-(2).jpg
> as you can see the dashes is OK. Now, I want to remove "(" and ")"
> because linux will also put a backslash b4 the "(". Moreover, if the
> number is one digit I want to add a leading 0 so the name becomes
> 20051030-Layan-02.jpg.

To change spaces to dashes:

  rename 's/ /-/g' *.jpg

To change the (2) to -02:

  rename 's/\((\d+)\)/sprintf("-%02d", $1)/e' *.jpg

You could do it all in one line:

  rename 's/ /-/g; s/\((\d+)\)/sprintf("-%02d", $1)/e' *.jpg

Use rename -n if you want to see what will happen without it actually doing 

p.s., Linux is not putting backslashes in the names. Your shell is doing that 
as a convenience for you when it does tab-completion.

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
dave at rudedog.org | http://www.rudedog.org/
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