How to deal with .rmvb video files

Craig Hagerman craighagerman at
Mon May 8 08:17:51 UTC 2006

On 5/8/06, filipe1 <ulist at> wrote:
> I think Real Player 10 for linux can handle .rmvb files, but without
> subtitles.
> To a easy install of Real Player 10 use the Automatix tool.

I did try to install Real Player 10 directly from the web
site, but the install fails. I am quite sure it is because I am using
amd64. Had the same problem on a Debian amd64 box (ie, wouldn't

I had never heard of Automatix before. Just did some searching to see
what you are talking about and it looks interesting. (good info here: I will check out
Automatix and see if that can install Real Player.


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