[OOZY] Programm Similar to OmniGraffle 4

Miguel Azevedo miguel.azevedo at idssecurity.org
Sun May 7 11:26:59 UTC 2006

OOzy Pal wrote:
> Is there a program similar to OmniGraffle 4 in Linux?
> http://www.omnigroup.com/applications/omnigraffle/
> -- 
> OOzy
Well, I'd love to have software like that too...


"The video arcade is down the street. Here we just sell small rectangular objects. 
They're called books. They require a little effort on your part, and make no bee-bee-bee-bee-beeps. 
On your way please."

Miguel A. Azevedo

Wireless Security Researcher
web : http://www.idssecurity.org
mail: miguel.azevedo at idssecurity.org

Castelo Branco - Portugal


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