Linux has *fewer* vulnerabilities than before.

ruscook ruscook_oz at
Sun May 7 04:46:32 UTC 2006

On Sat, 2006-05-06 at 23:46 -0400, Michael Scottaline wrote:

> On Sat, 2006-05-06 at 22:30 -0500, C Hamel wrote:
> <snippage>
> > Perhaps that is what the netadmin was referring to, and I merely misunderstood 
> > his meaning.  At any rate,  kudos to Linus.  Question: Isn't the name Linux 
> > (with a long 'i')...?  Why do people refer to Linux (w/a short 'i')?  Isn't 
> > it named after LInus ...although a bit loosely??
> =================
> I've heard Linus introduce himself as Linus Torvalds with a short i in
> Linus.  I believe he also employs in the short i in Linux as well.
> Best,
> Mike
> -- 

It's a short I because its a Minix clone whether it stood for Linus'
Minix contracted to Linux I can't say. And Linus has a capital I sound.
These pronunciations are from a sound byte from Linus.

Kind Regards Russell
sales at
ph. 02 4577 3209
Linux user #369094

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