Linux has *fewer* vulnerabilities than before.

John L Fjellstad john-ubuntu at
Sat May 6 19:24:52 UTC 2006

C Hamel <yogich at> writes:

> Linux was first designed 
> to be a server; desktop software came later. 

>From "Just for Fun - The story of an Accidental Revolutionary", quoting
Linus Torvalds:
(p 81). My original goal was to create an operating system that I could
eventually use as a replacement for Minix.  It didn't have to do more
than Minix, but it had to do things in Minix that I cared about, and
some other things I cared about, too.

Linux didn't start as a server OS.  It started out as a desktop OS for

John L. Fjellstad
web:          Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

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