Linux has *fewer* vulnerabilities than before.

Daniel Carrera daniel.carrera at
Sat May 6 12:55:34 UTC 2006


A common argument from MS and others is that Linux only has fewer 
vulnerabilities because it's less popular. They argue that as Linux gets 
more popular, more vulnerabilities appear.

The Honeynet Project (Bruce Schneier is a director) has been looking at 
vunerabilities in software for some time. They have found that the life 
expectancy of an unpatched Linux box has *increased* over time, while 
the Windows one has continued to decrease.

This punches a hole through the MS argument. Although there are more 
Linux systems today than there were before, the risk has still dropped.

    /\/_/   ...and starting today, all passwords must
    \/_/    contain letters, numbers, doodles, sign
    /       language and squirrel noises.

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