[Off Topic] Re: Linux security

Michael Richter ttmrichter at gmail.com
Sat May 6 12:39:26 UTC 2006

On 06/05/06, Daniel Carrera <daniel.carrera at zmsl.com> wrote:
> >> Correct. To expand on that, I think the shell is more hidden than just
> >> behind a couple of menus. I can't find it on *any* menu anywhere. The

> Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal

Mine doesn't have that (this is Breezy). Even when I go to the menu
> editor, there just isn't an option for that.

Mine has it.  And it had it under Hoary as well.  Further, if I go into the
menu editor, I can activate Applications -> System Tools -> Root Terminal.
(That'd be your sudo -s which people claim is a layer or two removed from
the GUI....)

If you don't have that?  Something is very odd with your setup.  I've
installed Breezy on about eight machines now (sneaking space on the
computers I have access to here because I'm tired of wrestling with Chinese
machines).  Every one of them had the terminal and every one of them can
have the root terminal.
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