Add Submenu in Gnome

Russell Cook bike_oz at
Thu May 4 21:40:06 UTC 2006

Right click on your Gnome menu icon and you get the option to edit
menus. This is the alacarte menu editor. When it runs select when in the
menu tree you want the submenu then select file/new menu and you can
create it at that point. This is much easier than editing . files :-)

On Thu, 2006-05-04 at 22:08 +0200, Robert Entner wrote: 

> Hello!
> Where are the sub menues defined in Gnome (Dapper)? I want to put some
> .desktop entries in such a new menue like:
> Categories=GNOME;GTK;Application;MySubmenu;
> Where can I define MySubmenu? If I don't, the entry is put into "Others".
> Thanks,
> Burt

Kind Regards Russell
sales at
ph. 02 4577 3209
Linux user #369094

Kind Regards Russell
sales at
ph. 02 4577 3209
Linux user #369094

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