Ubuntu network install

Sean Malone smalone.Central-Post5.Central-Domain5 at u-city.k12.mo.us
Thu May 4 18:11:44 UTC 2006

I'm sorry for the lack of details... 
I have a laptop that I want to install Ubuntu (5.10 or Dapper beta). The
laptop is a Dell Latitutde c400.  It has no cdrom or floppy drives.  I
have setup up a PXE server using Ubuntu on another laptop to help me
install Ubuntu on the Dell C400. 
I'm trying to install Ubuntu on my Dell C400 by doing the following: 
1)  I turn on my c400 and PXE boot. 
2) After the Ubuntu install kernel runs (downloaded from Ubuntu website)
I follow the prompts (ie. Language, etc) 
3) After network settings are verfied I type in the DNS server that Im
4) I type in a hostname. 
5) I choose a mirror of the Ubuntu archive. 
6) I choose the US (ie. us.archive.ubuntu.com) and press ENTER. 
7) I skip the proxy http setup 
8) I get the following message The specified Ubuntu archive mirror is
either not available, or does not have a valid Release file on it.
Please try a different mirror.  I have tried other mirrors and I get the
same thing.  I few weeks ago I installed Ubuntu via network install. 
Now I can't.  I haven't changed anything. 

>>>ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org 05/04 11:49 am >>>

When you say *network install*, what do you mean?  What exactly are you
doing, step by step?


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