gaim + guifications plugin

Derek Broughton news at
Thu May 4 13:46:37 UTC 2006

Thilo Six wrote:

> Hash: RIPEMD160
> Joel Bryan T. Juliano wrote the following on 03.05.2006 02:14:
>> On Tue, 2006-05-02 at 21:23 +0100, pvent wrote:
>>> "code" Wrote:
>>>> apt-get source guifications
>>> When I run this line, I get this error.
>>> E: source package for guifications could not be found
>>> (or something like that, I get it in spanish)
>> try gaim-guitification
>>> Why can't I find it? how do I fix it? I even ran the 'sudo apt-get
>>> update' line, and still doesn't work.
> or maybe gaim-guifications?  ;)
> sudo aptitude install gaim-guifications

And when you can't find something, try:

  aptitude search ~ngaim-gui

(I hope, I can never remember exact syntax for searches in aptitude, and the
documentation is separate from the man page).

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